If you have CMS 2000 or CMS 1500 solar inverter that is displaying an error message or a red light check out the table below to find out what the message means. Unfortunately the manufacturer of these inverters are not honouring any warranties, so an error message may possibly mean you are up for some money to get your solar power system operational again. Click here for more information.

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CMS 1500 and CMS 2000 Fault and Error Messages

Operating Message
Message in English
System Fault & Error Messages
Isolation fault Isolation failure Earth fault on the solar panels or failure of surge protection
Ground I Fault GFCI active Leakage current to ground is too high
Grid fault Grid failure Grid measured data is beyond the specification (voltage & frequency)
No utility No utility Utility is not available
PV over voltage Input voltage too high Input voltage from the solar panels higher than the max input voltage
Inverter Fault and Error Messages
Consistent fault Consistent failure The readings of 2 microprocessors are not consistent. CPU and/or other circuit not functioning may be the cause.
Over temperature Temperature too high The internal temperature is higher than the normal value
Relay failure Output relay failure The relay between the inverter and grid is not functional
DC INJ High Output DC injection too high Output DC injection is too high
EEPROM failure EEPROM problem EEPROM inside the inverter has a data access problem
SCI failure Problem with communication between microprocessors The communication between MCU inside the inverer is abnormal
High DC Bus DC bus voltage is too high The DC Bus inside is higher than expected
Low DC Bus DC bus voltage is too low The DC bus inside is lower than expected
Ref 2.5V Fault 2.5V reference voltage inside problem The 2.5V reference inside the inverter is abnormal
DC Sensor Fault Output DC sensor abnormal The DC output sensor is abnormal

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