Ouch. Your power bill has just arrived and it’s higher than you expected it to be. Why hasn’t your solar power system made more of a difference?
It’s a good question and there’s probably a simple answer. Here we’ve outlined the most common causes of power bill shock, have a look through the following and hopefully you’ll find the culprit(s).

Solar Production
Your solar generation changes throughout the year and is usually at its lowest over the winter months due to shorter days and the sun being lower in the sky. For more information on solar production over the year click here. Here are some other things that could be affecting the performance of your solar power system:
1. Shading on solar panels can cause a significant drop in your systems performance. Check your solar panels are in full sun from 8am to 4pm to ensure the maximum solar production is achieved.
2. Soiling on your solar panels. If your solar panels are dirty there won’t be as much light reaching the cells which will result in poor performance. We do provide solar panel cleaning services if required.
3. Is your solar inverter working properly? When the sun is out a green solid light on your inverter shows that your inverter is working correctly. For more solar power monitoring information click here. If you have online solar power system monitoring check that the power curve on a sunny day is unbroken and that there are no error or fault messages present. If you would like the help of an expert please get in touch as we can provide system checks and comprehensive solar power system reports to thoroughly examine your solar power system & provide tips on how to further lower your power bills.

Solar tariffs
In most cases the solar energy you generate doesn’t fully off-set your energy usage, especially in winter due to shorter days and poorer weather.
This can also be because there may be a mismatch between when you generate solar energy and the time of day when you use the most energy. A battery storage system allows you to store electricity from your solar panels when the sun is shining, so you can use the stored power at another time. Our team of energy experts can tailor a battery storage system to suit your household needs.
It may also be worthwhile to check your solar feed-in tariff hasn’t changed, or even shop around for a retailer who provides a higher feed in tariff for your surplus solar power.
Time Of Year
Heating your home in winter and cooling your home in summer increases your energy usage. Comparing your energy consumption from the same time last year can help identify consumption increases.
Renovations or Extensions
It is common for energy usage to increase during construction stages. Once the renovation is complete, your new space may include more lights and power points, and may use more energy to heat and cool.
Concessions & Discounts
Check your power bill entitlements and expiration of any rebates, concessions and discounts with your electricity retailer. See if they’ve been deducted fully from your bill. Discounts may only last 6 months or even less.
Usage Increase
Keep track of your energy usage by looking at your Daily Average Use every quarter. You should be able to find it or something similar on your bill. Cooking habits, a new computer or even brighter light globes can add to your energy consumption.
Estimated Bill
Is your bill estimated? When the meter reader hasn’t been able to access your meter or provide your meter data, your bill will be estimated. To check if you have been issued an estimated bill look for “Estimated Reading” on the your power bill.
Bill period
How many days are you being billed for? Check that you’re comparing bills with the same number of days in a billing period. If you’ve recently moved house, your first bill may be for a shorter than usual bill period depending on the meter read cycle and when you moved.
Hot water system
If you have an electric hot water system your hot water usage will also contribute to your energy usage. Reducing the amount of time spent in the shower and washing your clothes in cold water could reduce your consumption throughout the year.
Is your meter number correct?
Ensure that the meter number on your bill matches the meter number on the meter in your meter box.
If you notice there is a discrepancy please call your electricity retailer to sort this out.
Supply charge
Review the supply charge shown on your bill to understand how it’s changing over time. This cost relates to the delivery of your energy via poles and wires and the associated investment and maintenance costs. The costs are fixed in dollar terms per day and differ for people in different locations because the delivery costs vary.
Solar panel degradation will start to increase from the day you had your system installed. You should calculate an average of 1% degradation for each year your system has been running. Simply put, if your system is 10 years old, you will have probably lost 10% of your solar capacity already.
Let us give your solar install a fully documented inspection that gives you a comprehensive snapshot of the health of your system. We can tell you if there are any issues impacting your solar output as well as recommendations on how you could potentially save even more money by changing usage habits or adding power saving devices to your electrical supply.
Our System Check will find any technical issues impacting your solar production as well as highlighting potential future issues that could lessen your solar savings. We can initiate warranty claims on failed elements of your solar install (panels or inverter) and deal with the manufacturer warranty process from start to finish.
When your solar panels are not clean you are blocking sunlight from activating the solar cells and as such you are giving away money! We can offer a full cleaning service to ensure your panels are in as clean a condition as they can be by removing baked on surface dirt and in some extreme cases even remove lichen that has started to grow.
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